Welcome to my practice website!
Individual or couples psychotherapy: I currently do not have any vacancies for individual or couples psychotherapy and my waiting list is full at this moment!
I recommend the search option on psyonline.at or my colleagues in recommendations.
Coaching: I have a waiting list for one-off or short-term counseling or coaching on the topics of polyamory and ADHD / Autism / AuDHD. My colleague Mara Seidl also offers counseling/coaching on these topics.
Group: I also regularly offer groups on the topic of ADHD, Autism & AuDHD – there´s a waiting list for those who want to be informed on future groups in English or German. The next group in English starts in March and is open to anyone whose english is sufficient to hold a conversation.
I do not have an education for child & youth therapy, I work with people aged 18 and older.
I do not have fully insurance covered spots.
The following of my colleagues in Practice Mühlfeldgasse have capacities at the moment:
Sabine Gutmacher
Psychotherapist in training under supervision. Method: Logotherapy and existential analysis; Languages: German, English; Focal points: chronic illnesses, crisis, psychosomatic disorders.
Dr. Gunnar Stange
Psychotherapist in training under supervision. Method: Person centered; Languages: German, English, Indonesian; Focal points: (young) adults, Neurodiversity/Neurodivergence, Inter- und Transcultural topics (migration- and refugee experiences).
Srna Vardjan
Life and social adviser in training. Languages: German, Italian, Serbian; Focal points: neurodivergency in adults, inner child, topics around motherhood (unfullfilled desire to have a child, abortion, new orientation and overwhelm with new motherhood); also takes clients currently waiting for a therapy space and wishing for support during the waiting period.shor